Quiet Zone is a NYC Noise Control Expert
Our acoustical consultants are vastly experienced in solving noise problems often found in New York City's commercial and residential buildings.
Our acoustical consulting services include on-site and in-home assessments, sound surveys, troubleshooting, noise code compliance testing, vibration testing, sound level measurement and noise recordings.
For over 25 years, Quiet Zone has been providing quiet consulting services for homes and businesses throughout New York City's five boroughs, Westchester County, New Jersey and Connecticut.
Our consulting services include:
Acoustical Consulting
Acoustic Testing
Architectural Acoustics
Building Acoustics
HVAC Noise Control
Neighbor Noise Consulting
Noise Code Compliance Testing
Noise Control Consulting
Noise Inspections for Home Buyers
Noise Recordings
Noise Reduction Techniques
Room Acoustics Design
Soundproofing Solutions
Sound Engineering
Sound Level Measurements
Sound Surveys
Vibration Analysis
We work with apartment, condominium and home owners, businesses, building management companies, facilities managers, architects, designers and developers.
At Quiet Zone, we take the time to listen to you to ensure that we have a complete understanding of your problem before proposing a solution.
We work meticulously to ensure that our noise mitigation and vibration isolation recommendations are effective and implementable in the real world.
We use the most up to date and precisely calibrated sound level meters, vibration meters and acoustic testing equipment.
Please contact us to find out how we can solve your noise or vibration problem.